Rođen u Zaječaru 1984. godine, završio medicinski fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu 2009. godine. sa prosečnom ocenom 9,77, specijalističke akademske studije na medicinskom fakultetu Univerziteta u Beogradu 2013. godine, Doktorat na medicinskom fakultetu Univerziteta u Beogradu 2020. godine,
Originalni radovi in extenso u časopisima sa JCR (Journal Citation Reports) liste
- Vasić N, Davidović L, Marković D, Sladojević M. Long-term graft occlusion in aortobifemoral position. Vojnosanit Pregl 2013;70(8):740-6 M23, IF 0,269
- Cvetković S, Jakovljević N, Simić D, Sladojević M, Djurasić L, Davidović L. Popliteal artery injury following traumatic knee joint dislocation in a 14-year-old boy: a case report and review of the literature. Vojnosanit Pregl 2014;71(1):87-90 M23, IF 0,292
- Pejkic S, Savic N, Paripovic M, Sladojevic M, Doric P, Ilic N. Vascular graft thrombosis secondary to activated protein C resistance: a case report and literature review. Vascular 2014;22(1):71-6 M23, IF 0,795
- Banzic I, Ilić N, Dragaš M, Končar I, Sladojevic M, Tomic I, Davidovic L. A deceitful case of spinal cord malperfusion presented as an acute limb ischemia. Ann Vasc Surg 2014;28(5):1318.e11-2 M23, IF 1,170
- Pejkić S, Sladojevic M, Koncar I, Radmili O, Mutavdzic P, Dragaš M, Ilić N. Isolated true aneurysm of the superficial temporal artery: a truly enigmatic lesion. Vasa 2014;43(5):380-4 M23, IF 1,000
- Sladojevic M, Markovic M, Ilic N, Pejkic S, Banzic I, Djoric P, Koncar I, Tomic I, Davidovic L. Open Treatment of Blunt Injuries of Supra-Aortic Branches: Case Series. Ann Vasc Surg 2016;31:205.e5-205.e10 M23, IF 1,145
- Banzic I, Sladojevic M, Ilic N, Koncar I, Davidovic L, Brankovic M. Complete Immediate Paraplegia Reversal after Performing Aorto-Lumbar Bypass on the Patient who Underwent Aortoiliac Reconstruction. Ann Vasc Surg 2016;35:203.e1-3 M23, IF 1,145
- Marković M, Tomić I, Ilić N, Dragaš M, Končar I, Bukumirić Z, Sladojević M, Davidović L. The Rationale for Continuing Open Repair of Ruptured Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm. Ann Vasc Surg 2016;36:64-73 M23, IF 1,145
- Banzić I, Fatić N, Pejkić S, Davidović L, Sladojević M, Končar I. Case report of gross hematuria in the nutcracker syndrome resolved by renocaval reimplantation. Vojnosanit Pregl 2016; 73(12): 1178–1180 M23, IF 0,367
- Sladojevic M, Dragas M, Koncar I, Radmili O, Markovic M, Davidovic L. Transient Acute Leg Ischemia in a Professional Athlete Caused by Isolated Popliteal Artery Dissection Mimicking Popliteal Entrapment Syndrome. Ann Vasc Surg 2017;43:316.e15-316.e20 M23, IF 1,363
- Sladojevic M, Bjelovic M, Ilic N, Mutavdzic P, Koncar I, Dragas M, Markovic M, Davidovic L. Open Surgical Treatment of Secondary Aortoesophageal and Aortobronchial Fistula after Thoracic Endovascular Aortic Repair and Esophagocoloplasty in a Second Procedure. Ann Vasc Surg 2017;44:417.e11-417.e16 M23, IF 1,363
- Koncar IB, Nikolic D, Milosevic Z, Ilic N, Dragas M, Sladojevic M, Markovic M, Filipovic N, Davidovic L. Morphological and Biomechanical Features in Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm with Long and Short Neck-Case-Control Study in 64 Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms. Ann Vasc Surg 2017;45:223-230 M23, IF 1,363
- Davidovic L, Sladojevic M, Koncar I, Markovic M, Ulus T, Ilic N, Dragas M, Cvetic V, Rancic Z. Late Complication after Thoracic Endovascular Aortic Repair: What Is the Role of an Open Surgical Conversion? Ann Vasc Surg 2018;47:238-246 M23, IF 1,179
- Opacic D, Ilic N, Sladojevic M, Schönleitner P, Markovic D, Kostic D, Davidovic L. Effects of atmospheric pressure dynamics on abdominal aortic aneurysm rupture onset. Vasa 2018;47(2):137-142 M23, IF 1,534
- Zlatanovic P, Koncar I, Dragas M, Ilic N, Sladojevic M, Mutavdzic P, Tomic I, Kostic D, Davidovic L. Combined Impact of Chronic Kidney Disease and Contrast Induced Acute Kidney Injury on Long-term Outcomes in Patients with Acute Lower Limb Ischaemia. Eur J Vasc Endovasc Surg 2018;56(1):78-86 M21, IF 3,642
- Markovic MD, Cvetkovic SD, Koncar IB, Dragas MV, Markovic DM, Kukic BP, Kuzmanovic IB, Dimic AD, Sladojevic MM, Davidovic LB. Treatment of pediatric vascular injuries: the experience of a single non-pediatric referral center. Int Angiol. 2019;38(3):250-255 M23, IF 2,080
- Mutavdzic P, Dragas M, Kukic B, Stevanovic K, Končar I, Ilić N, Tomic I, Sladojevic M, Davidovic L. An Isolated Aneurysm of the Abdominal Aorta in a Patient with Marfan Syndrome-A Case Report. Ann Vasc Surg. 2020;63:454.e1-454.e4 M23, IF 1,466
- Davidovic LB, Palombo D, Treska V, Sladojevic M, Koncar IB, Houdek K, Spinella G, Zlatanovic P, Pane B. Late open conversion after endovascular abdominal aortic aneurysm repair: experience of three-high volume centers. J Cardiovasc Surg (Torino). 2020;61(2):183-190 M23, IF 1,888
- Sladojevic M, Koncar I, Zlatanovic P, Jovanovic S, Davidovic L. A case report of a hybrid procedure (visceral and partial aortic arch debranching) in the treatment of a challenging aneurysm of the thoracoabdominal aorta in the endovascular era. Srp Arh Celok Lek. 2020;148(5-6):360-363 M23, IF 0,207
- Ilic A, Stevanovic K, Pejkic S, Markovic M, Dimic A, Sladojevic M, Davidovic L. Vascular Injuries in Intravenous Drug Addicts-A Single-Center Experience. Ann Vasc Surg. 2020;67:185-191 M23, IF 1,466
- Sladojevic M, Stanojevic Z, Koncar I, Zlatanovic P, Vidicevic S, Tosic J, Isakovic A, Markovic M, Davidovic L. Magnetic resonance imaging assessment of proteolytic enzyme concentrations and biologic properties of intraluminal thrombus in abdominal aortic aneurysms. J Vasc Surg. 2020;72(3):1025-1034 M21, IF 4,268
- Sladojevic M, Zlatanovic P, Stanojevic Z, Koncar I, Vidicevic S, Tasic J, Isakovic A, Tomic I, Mutavdzic P, Stevanovic K, Trailovic R, Davidovic L. Influence of preoperative statins and aspirin administration on biological and magnetic resonance imaging properties in patients with abdominal aortic aneurysm. Vasa. 2021;50(2):116-124 M23, IF 1,961
- Ducic SM, Koncar IB, Zlatanovic PM, Mutavdzic PM, Ilic N, Sladojevic MM, Tomic IZ, Davidovic LB. Predictors of in-hospital mortality and complications in acute aortic occlusion: a comparative analysis of patients with embolism and in-situ thrombosis. J Cardiovasc Surg (Torino). 2021;62(2):146-152 M23, IF 1,888
- Cinara I, Zlatanovic P, Sladojevic M, Tomic I, Mutavdzic P, Ducic S, Vujcic A, Davidovic L. Impact of Bypass Flow Assessment on Long-Term Outcomes in Patients with Chronic Limb-Threatening Ischemia. World J Surg. 2021;45(7):2280-2289 M22, IF 3,352
Ostali radovi u časopisima sa JCR (Journal Citation Reports) liste
- Davidovic LB, Koncar IB, Kostic DM, Sladojevic MM, Markovic DM. Graft replacement as a method in treatment of symptomatic carotid in stent restenosis. J Cardiovasc Surg (Torino) 2017;58(1):133-135 M23, IF 0,598
- Davidovic LB, Sladojevic MM. Selection of optimal open repair for popliteal aneurysms. J Cardiovasc Surg (Torino). 2019;60(1):148-149 M23, IF 0,708
- Dimic A, Sladojevic M. Ruptured Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm in a Patient with Right Pelvic Kidney and Previous Left Nephrectomy. Eur J Vasc Endovasc Surg. 2020;60(4):593 M21a, IF 3,535